Saturday, 27 November 2010


I'm so upset.
Blizzard has nerfed all Bear abilities.
  • The damage done by the following abilities has been reduced by approximately 17%: Mangle (Bear), Maul, Lacerate, Pulverize, Swipe (Bear), Thrash.

I seriously can't understand HOW we can utilise Swipe to it's previously amazing potential.
I've done a few dungeons since this hotFIX, and with a Frost Death Knight, Swipe is seriously inadequate.
Also on long and extended boss fight where rage was very very easy to come by, haveing excess rage i'd just hit swipe.
Now it's not even worth blowing a GCD on since it does less, if not the same, damage as Lacerate.

  • Leader of the Pack now heals for 4%, down from 8%.

  • I won't even continue after this one.

    Duoing instances is now so much harder than prepatch, we can't even progress through Blacking Lair.

    Monday, 22 November 2010

    Out with the old...

    As we all eagerly await the arrival of patch 4.0.3a, also known as "The Shattering", i've been embarking on huge nostalgia trips.
    Not long ago I started doing Zul'Gurub every lockout, but this could be the last ever one.
    It will be truly a shame to see such a well designed instance disappear, one can only hope that Cataclysm will bring even better.
    Today's post is a tad short due to lack on inspiration as well as a slight disappointment that Blizzard have released absolutely no hints at all to when 4.0.3a will go live.
    Keep in mind that WoW's birthday is tomorrow, and maintenance occurs on Wednesday mornings, so perhaps, just perhaps, they'll hit that shiny red button and release Deathwing to turn us all into Cajun chicken.
    Then we can serve ourselves for Pilgrim's Bounty.

    Goodbye, ZG.
    Forever will your mounts elude us.

    Saturday, 20 November 2010

    Hot and Cold

    It's getting rather ridiculous how many adds spawn, especially considering we ticketed it, and the GM replied saying, "You cleared the area too fast".
    We're 2 people, not 40.
    However, we still managed to kill him, even with an untimely Druid class call at the very end with a couple of adds still up, not exactly what you need when you're trying to tank.
    Also we managed to duo Saphirron, an 11 minute fight, which was calm enough considering when we trio'd it we did it in just over 8.

    Our most exciting achievement so far on our duoing quest however, is completing Obsidian Sanctum in its entirety. I've heard stories of Death Knights and Paladins in 277 gear soloing Sartharion and whatever. What they didn't do though, is solo all of the trash and the drakes. That's impossible considering you need atleast two people for Shadron, and even then, it's one of the toughest encounters I've faced, full group or not, with two people it's a nightmare. Just if anyone was wondering, me and my friend have a combined average item level of around 255.

    As I now run away to complete Zul'Aman again, I leave you with my proudest ever screenshot I've taken.

    Friday, 19 November 2010

    GeneCraft returns.

    Yes after a long extended absence through not playing, GeneCraft has returned.
    The character which I posted all of the screenshots from though (Geñe) is now slightly inactive, as I have began playing my Druid again.
    Basically, I lacked the ways and means in order to make gold, then by chance, i started running old raids with a friend of mine, and suddenly, it began piling up. So every week, we run the same instances, doing all the bosses we can.
    In Vanilla I play in bear form, so far we have 2-manned the following:

    Molten Core, Blackwing Lair (currently bugged, first encounter somehow vanished and we tried to reset it by dieing, only to find the gate to the room was locked, and we're now "locked out".the one time we did 2man it, Nefarion was bugged and spawned over 100 adds), Zul'Gurub, Ahn'Qiraj20 and Ahn'Qiraj40 (up to Twin Emps).
    In TBC instances, I usually play as Restoration, however, Karazhan is doable in bear form, as are some other encounters, the raids we've currently 2manned in TBC are:

    Karazhan, Zul'Aman, Tempest Keep (No Kael), Serpentshrine Cavern (No Vashj or Karathress), Mount Hyjal (Only the first boss), Black Temple (Up to Akma), Magtheridon.

    We've also 2manned one of the drakes in Obsidian Sanctum, and 3-manned Sapphiron in Naxxramas.

    For today's screenshot is one of the kills, I forgot to turn off the interface, so don't flame too hard, it's got everything I need :).