Saturday, 20 November 2010

Hot and Cold

It's getting rather ridiculous how many adds spawn, especially considering we ticketed it, and the GM replied saying, "You cleared the area too fast".
We're 2 people, not 40.
However, we still managed to kill him, even with an untimely Druid class call at the very end with a couple of adds still up, not exactly what you need when you're trying to tank.
Also we managed to duo Saphirron, an 11 minute fight, which was calm enough considering when we trio'd it we did it in just over 8.

Our most exciting achievement so far on our duoing quest however, is completing Obsidian Sanctum in its entirety. I've heard stories of Death Knights and Paladins in 277 gear soloing Sartharion and whatever. What they didn't do though, is solo all of the trash and the drakes. That's impossible considering you need atleast two people for Shadron, and even then, it's one of the toughest encounters I've faced, full group or not, with two people it's a nightmare. Just if anyone was wondering, me and my friend have a combined average item level of around 255.

As I now run away to complete Zul'Aman again, I leave you with my proudest ever screenshot I've taken.

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